Job Summary

Printing Cost: $118.98

Shipping: $0.00

Coupon: -$0.00

Tax: $0.00

Job Total: $118.98
Paper Choices Coating & Options Print Guidelines

100LB Gloss Book

100LB Gloss Book

100LB Gloss Cover

100LB Gloss Cover

14PT C2S

14PT C2S

14PT Uncoated

14PT Uncoated

16PT C2S

16PT Stock, coated two sides

Aqueous Coating

Aqueous Coating

UV Both Sides

Full UV on the color side(s)

UV Coating, Front Only

UV Front Only, No coating on the back

No Coating

No Coating

Satin Aqueous

Satin Aqueous

Postcard Layout Guidelines

Download our layout guidelines to ensure your artwork will print correctly.

See all layout guidelines
Review Our Print-Ready File Checklist

To ensure your artwork will print correctly and to avoid any delay, please follow the general file checklist.

Free File Review

Your order is in good hands with us. After you place your order with PsPrint, our printing experts run your order through our 20-point quality checklist. Some of the items we check for include:

  • Ensuring your artwork is the correct dimension
  • Confirming your copy will not get cut off
  • Verifying your artwork has the correct resolution

Find out more.

Print Door Hangers Today

In this rapidly evolving world of direct marketing strategies, Door Hangers are a tried and true way to reach customers the old fashioned way. Hanging company info where it can’t be missed (on the customer's door) is an ideal way for local businesses to build brand awareness. Our Custom Printed Door Hangers are printed on various durable paper stock and you have the option to print on both sides, which allows ample space for text and visuals, thus maximizing marketing impact with great efficiency. Popular Uses & Ideas: Promotional & Informational Door Hangers Do Not Disturb Signs Grand Opening Promos

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